Thursday, July 10, 2008

A day of hard work

Aduen doing some serious programming

A really nice piece of code

What is the taste of silence?

The poster for presentation

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

another concept we were thinking about

brainstorm of screaming, finding reasons for screaming...

IDEA: screaming out of fear.

a tank is slowly moving towards you. 

the user starts screaming out of fear. 

when the scream is loud enough the tank explodes into colourful bubbles which is a contradiction to the bad expirience one has had and so arouses a feeling of sucess and relief

when the scream in not loud enough the tank is coming so close that only the hole of the gun is visible which explodes right into your face. A sound of explosion in enhancing the fact that one has lost.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

a few concepts...

a concept of a desktop application (not to be realized)

it's about reproducing calligraphy

another concept not to be realized:

interactive interaction with:

installation consists of:

projetion on wall

touch screen in front of him

glove with ir points

user sees the result of other users that used the installation before him to see what is possible

user touches screen sees that he should put on the glove

user can paint when reaching out, pointing at the screen (different tools can be chosen on the side)

tools that can be used to point at the screen (HERE: another idea where AUDIO is included in the installation)

pointing opject combined with a microphone

other tools could be different pens or (for children) a magic wand or a magic wand of a fairy

IDEA OF  ONE BREATH (inspired by the hattat - calliagrapher) and visualising this

giving a user a start and a finish point/area or giving him the feeling of beeing 'followed'

REDUCING the idea only to audio 

IDEA: game

bubbles/circels on screen, when there is audio the bubbles grow and change colour

when user stops to scream the bubble stops growing and stays on the screen

when there is a new scream a new bubble is influenced

different visualisations:

the louder the further the ball goes:

the longest line = the loudest scream

Field trip poster

Presentation of our concept on Friday 4th July.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Nicomachean Ethics

EVERY art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.
- Aristotle
With this approach all things may have a same goal but the approach is different. If this is used as a relationship in all things, all things may have been related to each other. The start of all is also the end of all.

What I am trying to say is, it doesn't matter if how you approach a common goal, how you may discuss a certain matter, it is all related eventually. Which gives pure freedom in all things made in relation to calligraphy. We have all been inspired by the calligraphy, in a good or in a bad way, which has changed us already without knowing. All that has came passed is now influencing the becoming.

We are changing, we are becoming, we are free.
Watching the hattat doing what is best.

Modern calligraphy used for inspiration.


The actual mindmap.

Summarizing the different concepts.

Finding the picture within the calligraphy.

One of the concepts using sound for translation.

The concept.

Basically the concept of our blog is more watching and less reading.